W3C DCAT Profile for ICAO Aeronautical Datasets

This specification defines a Profile of the W3C Data Catalog (DCAT) Vocabulary specifically for the use of describing Aeronautical datasets in the aviation industry. This DCAT Profile specification is a technical appendium to the ICAO Aeronautical Information Management (AIM) Manual Volume IV on Digital Data Sets. This manual provides the specific guidance for the provision of digital data sets that are managed and published by aeronautical data service providers.

The W3C DCAT recommendation enables a publisher to describe datasets and data services in a catalog using a standard model and vocabulary that facilitates the consumption and aggregation of metadata from multiple catalogs. This can increase the discoverability of datasets and data services. It also makes it possible to have a decentralized approach to publishing data catalogs and makes federated search for datasets across catalogs in multiple sites possible using the same query mechanism and structure.

Status of this document

The current version is DRAFT. Feedback and comments welcome via the Github Issue feature.

This specification is governed by the ICAO Information Management Panel AIM Working Group.

This is a DRAFT Profile. Consensus is sought from the Aviation community on the set of properties specified in this Profile for relevance to business scenarios. Additional feedback is requested where definitions are created and/or interpreted by this Profile.


As well as sections marked as non-normative, all authoring guidelines, diagrams, examples, and notes in this Profile are non-normative. Everything else in this Profile is normative.

The key words MAY, MUST, MUST NOT, RECOMMENDED, SHOULD, and SHOULD NOT are to be interpreted as described in [[!RFC2119]].

Normative namespaces

Namespaces and prefixes used in normative parts of this Profile are shown in the following table.

Prefix Namespace IRI Source
dcat http://www.w3.org/ns/dcat# [[VOCAB-DCAT-3]]
dct http://purl.org/dc/terms/ [[DCTERMS]]
odrl http://www.w3.org/ns/odrl/2/ [[ODRL-VOCAB]]
sdo https://schema.org [[SCHEMA-ORG]]
vcard http://www.w3.org/2006/vcard/ns# [[VCARD-RDF]]

Syntax Serialisation

This Profile does not prescribe any particular method of deploying and encoding data catalogs expressed in DCAT. Within this Profile, the examples use [[JSON-LD]] because of its wide adoption.

URI Identifiers for Values

The DCAT specification, like most contemporary W3C recommendations, uses URIs as the value for many properties. This is consistent with Semantic Web and Linked Data principles.

This approach is new for the Aviation industry and as a tactical measure, this Profile will define a set of recommended URI values for relevant properties.

This Profile reserves the following URI domain for this purpose: http://vocab.icao.aero

The URIs based on this address will not be resolvable until a future time.

Where applicable, references will be made to existing online vocabularies with the same semantics.

ISO 19115 Mapping

A mapping currently exists between W3C DCAT and the Geographic Metadata ISO 19115 [[ISO-19115]] standard. The GeoDCAT Application Profile [[GEOCAT2]] provides the details in Appendix B of that document. Aeronautical data providers MAY require this conformance requirement.

Aeronautical Profile Model

The ICAO Aeronautical Information Management (AIM) Manual Volume IV on Digital Data Sets [[AIMV4]] defines the requirements for publishing digital data sets. This Profile defines how to implement these requirements as a Profile of the W3C DCAT specification [[VOCAB-DCAT-3]] The Aeronautical Dataset Profile model is shown in Figure 1. These classes, properties and relationships are considered to be the minimal standard and MUST be processable by conforming systems. Other classes, properties and relationships from [[!VOCAB-DCAT-3]] MAY be used but some consuming systems MAY not process the data fully.

Information model for the Profile
Overview of DCAT Profile, showing the relevant classes, properties and relationships.

The Profile consists of the following six Classes:

This Profile includes the following conformance rules:

The formal definition of each property is as defined in [[!VOCAB-DCAT-3]] and is the normative reference. The following sections describes the additional contextual details for each property used in the above classes for use by Aeronautical datasets.

The examples in the following sections map the type of the above classes to @type in the JSON-LD serialisations

Describing the Data Catalog


Identifier: dct:identifier
Notes:A unique URI of the Catalog. Mapped to @id in JSON-LD serialisations.


Identifier: dct:title
Notes:Title of the Catalog


Identifier: dct:description
Notes:Description of the Catalog

Has Dataset Series

Identifier: dct:hasPart
Notes:The identifier of a Dataset Series in the Catalog


The example below describes the Donlon Aeronautical Catalog which contains links to three Dataset Series.

        "@id": "http://donlon.aero/data-catalogue",
        "@type": "dcat:Catalog",
        "dct:title": "Donlon Aeronautical Data Catalogue",
        "dct:description": "This catalog provides all dataset series...",
        "dct:haspart": ["http://donlon.aero/series/aip/",

Describing the Dataset Series


Identifier: dct:identifier
Notes:A unique URI of the Dataset Series. Mapped to @id in JSON-LD serialisations.


Identifier: dct:title
Notes:Title of the Dataset Series


Identifier: dct:description
Notes:Description of the Dataset Series


Identifier: dcat:theme
Notes:The theme/subject area the Dataset Series covers.

The current set of URI values are defined below that covers the main themes for datasets in Aviation. Other URI values MAY be used.

Aeronautical information of lasting character essential to air navigation
Collection of aerodrome mapping data organized and arranged as structured data
A series of predetermined flight manoeuvres by reference to flight instruments
All fixed and mobile objects that have been assessed as being a hazard to air navigation
The surface of the Earth containing naturally occurring features
Same As: https://schema.org/Landform


Identifier: odrl:hasPolicy
Notes:Defines specific usage rules applicable to all the Datasets in the Dataset Series. This property uses the W3C ODRL Policy language [[ODRL-MODEL]] to describe the usage policy. ODRL supports the ability to define actions that are permitted or prohibited. In addition, obligations can also be defined.

There is only one use case identified for Aviation datasets that is the use of the dataset(s) is for non-operational purposes only. This can be expressed as a prohibition of the (positive) action of operational use. The URI required to meet this use case is defined below.

Intended to be used as the basis for operational decision making


Identifier: dct:spatial
Notes:The spatial area the Dataset Series covers.

There are three types of spatial locations supported:

  • State - The name and ICAO code for the State. Also MAY include the name of the territory/jurisdiction within the State.
  • Aerodrome - The name and the ICAO or IATA code for the aerodrome
  • Airspace - The name, designator code, and category of the airspace.

Each of the above spatial types will define a type URI (which will be equivalent to dct:Location) as well as the set of properties to describe the location. These type URIs are defined below.

The properties to describe the State location are:

  • vcard:country-name for text-based country name or vcard:hasCountryName for a URI identifying the country.
  • vcard:region for text-based territory/jurisdiction name or vcard:hasRegion for a URI identifying the territory/jurisdiction.
  • sdo:termCode for the ICAO code of the State

The properties to describe the Aerodrome location are:

  • sdo:name for the name of the aerodrome
  • sdo:icaoCode for the ICAO code identifying the aerodrome
  • sdo:iataCode for the IATA code identifying the aerodrome

The properties to describe the Airspace location are:

  • sdo:name for the name of the airspace
  • sdo:codeValue for the designator code identifying the airspace
  • sdo:termCode for the category of airspace

An internationally recognised geographic entity that provides aeronautical information service
Same As: https://schema.org/AdministrativeArea
A defined area on land or water intended to be used either wholly or in part for the arrival, departure and surface movement of aircraft
Same As: https://schema.org/Airport
A defined three dimensional region of space relevant to air traffic

Part of Catalog

Identifier: dct:isPartOf
Notes:The identifier of a Catalog that this Dataset Series is a part of

Has Dataset

Identifier: dcat:dataset
Notes:The identifier of a Dataset in this Dataset Series

Referenced By

Identifier: dct:isReferencedBy
Notes:The identifier of the Data Product Specification description that covers this Dataset Series


The example below describes the Aeronautical Information Package (AIP) Dataset Series in the Donlon Catalogue. The hasPolicy permits operational use. If the opposite was required, then the odrl:Permission should be changed to odrl:Prohibition. For demonstrable purposes, the example includes all three spatial location types. Only one type would appear in real instances. The example links to four explicit datasets in this series.

      "@id": "http://donlon.aero/series/aip",
      "@type": "dcat:DatasetSeries",
      "dct:title": "Donlon AIP Series",
      "dct:description": "AIP datasets for Donlon ...",
      "dcat:theme": "http://vocab.icao.aero/AeronauticalInformation",
      "odrl:hasPolicy": {
        "@type": "odrl:Permission",
        "odrl:action": "http://vocab.icao.aero/OperationalUse" },
      // Example State spatial location
      "dct:spatial": {
          "@type": "http://vocab.icao.aero/State",
          "vcard:country-name": "Republic of Donlon",
          "vcard:region": "South Donlon",
          "sdo:termCode": "DDDD" },
      // Example Aerodrome spatial location
      "dct:spatial": {
          "@type": "http://vocab.icao.aero/Aerodrome",
          "sdo:name": "Donlon International Airport",
          "sdo:icaoCode": "ZZZZ",
          "sdo:iataCode": "ZZZ" },
      // Example Airspace spatial location
      "dct:spatial": {
          "@type": "http://vocab.icao.aero/Airspace",
          "sdo:name": "AMSWELL",
          "sdo:codeValue": "EAAD",
          "sdo:termCode": "FIR" },
      "dct:isPartOf": "http://donlon.aero/data-catalogue",
      "dct:dataset": ["http://donlon.aero/series/aip/2021/Jan",
      "dct:isReferencedBy": "http://donlon.aero/product/aip-series"

Describing the Dataset


Identifier: dct:identifier
Notes:A unique URI of the Dataset. Mapped to @id in JSON-LD serialisations.


Identifier: dct:title
Notes:Title of the Dataset


Identifier: dct:description
Notes:Description of the Dataset


Identifier: dct:type
Notes:The release type of the Dataset.

The current set of URI values are defined below for the types of dataset releases. Other URI values MAY be used.

The dataset includes all features
The dataset includes all features at a specified time instance
The dataset includes all feature permanent differences
The dataset includes all feature temporary differences


Identifier: dcat:theme
Notes:The theme/subject area the Dataset Series covers. Note that the Dataset theme MUST not conflict with any theme defined for the parent Dataset Series.

The current set of URI values are defined in Section 4.4 Theme. Other URI values MAY be used.


Identifier: dct:accrualMethod
Notes:The methodology used for items added to the dataset. Used to indicate if the dataset was published as part of the AIRAC (Aeronautical Information Regulation And Control) cycle.

The current set of URI values are defined below for the types of dataset releases. Other URI values MAY be used.

The dataset is published under the AIRAC cycle


Identifier: dct:conformsTo
Notes:The technical encoding/serialisation of the dataset contents.

The current set of URI values are defined below for technical conformance. Other URI values MAY be used.

The dataset conforms to the AIXM specification
he dataset conforms to the FIXM specification
The dataset conforms to the IWXXM specification
The dataset conforms to the AMXM specification


Identifier: odrl:hasPolicy
Notes:Defines specific usage rules applicable to the Dataset. Note that the Dataset rules MUST not conflict with any policy defined for the parent Dataset Series.

See Section 4.5 Policy for more details.


Identifier: dct:issued
Notes:The date of issue of the Dataset. MAY include the time in the date.


Identifier: dct:temporal
Notes:The effective dates related to Dataset. MUST include at least one of dct:startDate or dct:endDate. MAY includes the times in the dates.


Identifier: dct:spatial
Notes:The spatial area the Dataset covers. Note that the Dataset spatial location MUST not conflict with any spatial location defined for the parent Dataset Series.

See Section 4.6 Spatial for more details.

Part of Dataset Series

Identifier: dct:isPartOf
Notes:The identifier of a Dataset Series that this Dataset is a part of

Has Distribution

Identifier: dcat:distribution
Notes:The identifier of the distribution describing how to download the dataset file

Has Service

Identifier: dcat:service
Notes:The identifier of the data service describing how to access the dataset file


The example below describes the Aeronautical Information Package (AIP) Dataset for April 2021. The example includes links to both a file distribution and a data service to access the dataset (see the following sections for description of their properties).

        "@id": "http://donlon.aero/series/aip/2021/Apr",
        "@type": "dcat:Dataset",
        "dct:title": "Donlon AIP Dataset April 2021",
        "dct:description": "AIP dataset for Donlon ...",
        "dct:type": "http://vocab.icao.aero/Dataset/Baseline",
        "dcat:theme": "http://vocab.icao.aero/AeronauticalInformation",
        "dct:accuralMethod": "http://vocab.icao.aero/Dataset/AIRAC",
        "dct:conformsTo": "http://vocab.icao.aero/AIXM",
        "dct:issued": "2021-03-25",
        "dct:temporal": {
           "@type": "dct:PeriodOfTime", 
           "dct:startDate": "2021-04-01", 
           "dct:endDate": "2021-04-30" },
        "dct:spatial": {
           "@type": "http://vocab.icao.aero/State",
           "vcard:country-name": "Republic of Donlon",
           "sdo:termCode": "DDDD" },
        "dct:isPartOf": "http://donlon.aero/series/aip",
        "dcat:distribution": {
           "@type": "dcat:Distribution",
           "dcat:downloadURL": "http://donlon.aero/series/aerodrome/2021/Jan/data.xml", 
           "dcat:mediaType": "https://www.iana.org/assignments/media-types/application/gml+xml",
           "dcat:byteSize": "34254" },
        "dcat:service": {
           "@type": "dcat:DataService",
           "dcat:endpointURL": "http://donlon.aero/data-api/aip/",
           "dcat:compressFormat": "https://www.iana.org/assignments/media-types/application/gzip" }

Describing the Data File Distribution


Identifier: dcat:downloadURL
Notes:The URI to directly download the dataset file

Media Type

Identifier: dcat:mediaType
Notes:The media type of the file distribution. This property SHOULD use media types defined by IANA [[IANA-MEDIA-TYPES]]

Media Size

Identifier: dcat:byteSize
Notes:The size of the distribution in bytes

Describing the Data Service


Identifier: dcat:endpointURL
Notes:The primary endpoint URI of the data service

Package Format

Identifier: dcat:packageFormat
Notes:The package format of the dataset in which one or more data files are grouped together. The format SHOULD be expressed using a media type as defined by IANA [[IANA-MEDIA-TYPES]]

Compression Format

Identifier: dcat:compressFormat
Notes:The compression format of the dataset in which the data is contained in a compressed form. The format SHOULD be expressed using a media type as defined by IANA [[IANA-MEDIA-TYPES]]

Describing the Data Product Specification


Identifier: dct:identifier
Notes:A unique URI of the Data Product Specification description. Mapped to @id in JSON-LD serialisations.


Identifier: dct:title
Notes:The title of the Data Product Specification.

Document Type

Identifier: dct:type
Notes:The type of document. This property is used to assert that the resource is a Data Product Specification. The URI is defined below.
The resource is of type Data Product Specification


Identifier: dct:references
Notes:The identifier of the Dataset Series this Data Product Description covers

Has distribution

Identifier: dcat:distribution
Notes:The identifier of the distribution describing how to access the document.


The example below describes a Data Product Description for the Donlon AIP Dataset Series

    "@id": "http://donlon.aero/product/aip-series",
    "@type": "dcat:Resource",
    "dct:title": "Donlon AIP Dataset Series Product Description",
    "dct:type": "http://vocab.icao.aero/DataProductSpecification",
    "dct:references": "http://donlon.aero/series/aip",
    "dcat:distribution": {
      "@type": "dcat:Distribution",
      "dcat:downloadURL": "http://donlon.aero/dps/aip.pdf", 
      "dcat:mediaType": "https://www.iana.org/assignments/media-types/application/pdf" }


The editors gratefully acknowledge the feedback and contributions made to this document by: Simon Cox (CSIRO), Scott Wilson (EUROCONTROL)